Revolutionizing Bulk Water Shipping and Local Packaging

Introducing Flexitank, the game-changing solution that redefines the economics and logistics of bulk water shipping. Designed to optimize and maximize the transportation of water, Flexitank offers an unparalleled capacity of 24,000 liters per unit. This innovation not only saves on shipping costs but also enables local, flexible packaging solutions. With quality liners and bags that maintain water freshness and quality, Flexitank stands as the most efficient and cost-effective method for shipping water to wherever it's needed most.

Bulk ship, local storage, local packaging

Arctic Freshwater provides flexible solutions that support both local and national needs to support the unique requirements of each partner. Working together we can develop concepts and solutions support what is required to be successful.


Arctic Freshwater will work with entrepreneurs who might want to own their own water packing and distribution business either in partnership with Arctic Freshwater. Our goal is to support local communities and entrepreneurs in developing what they need. If you are interested in learning more about how to run your own water company for your local communities, please contact us so that we could set-up a video call.


Arctic Freshwater will work with communities that want to establish their own central distribution center where larger quantity of water shipments would arrive, then the center would redistribute across their multiple locations,, either across their own regions within their territories. This central distribution structure can create not only an opportunity for self-governance, but also a significant opportunity for employment including warehousing, shipping, local packaging and much more.

The Central Distribution center is an opportunity for revenue generation.

Professional Caring Support

Our global team in Iceland are dedicated and passionate in making sure you succeed. We are a customer service focused group! If you succeed, your communities prosper, and we all benefit.

As you work with Arctic Freshwater, you can expect to receive so much ongoing support to include, but not limited to:

  • Access to an annual subscription to 1,000s of online skills development programs to support the skills you need to run your own business.
  • Access 24 / 7 to online operating tutorials.
  • Installation and in person training programs.
  • 24 / 7 days a week customer service and technical support for successul operation of the systems.
  • 24 hour, 7 days a week customer service and technical support for successul operation of the systems.

Key Benefits for Flexitank

  • Bulked shipped, then boxed locally will save money and time
  • Ship 50% more water per 20 foot container package in on Flexitank
  • Save on the Logistics since the cost botter water for example represents over 60%
  • By decreasing shipping costs, we can supply more water at higher profits
  • Bulk shipping enables for more local flexible solutions.
  • 24,000 litres per Flexitank shipped to anywhere the water is needed.
  • Flexitank quality liners and bags designed to keep freshness and quality throughout normal use of the system. The best, most affordable method of shipping.

Lets work together for a better world

Join hands with us to create sustainable solutions, empower communities, and make a lasting impact. Here are three reasons why we should work together:

  • Sustainable Solutions for Global Challenges.

  • Empowering Communities, Changing Lives.

  • Empowering Communities, Changing Lives.